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रामगढवा सिरिसिया पुल नजिकै रहेको अति नै उपयुक्त घर बनाउने योग्य प्लटिङको ५ धुर जग्गा तुरुन्तै बिक्रीमा छ !
बिरगंज प्रतिमा चोक देखि २०० मिटर पुर्ब १३ फिट ग्रेबल बाटो भयेको १० धुर जग्गामा ३० फिट मोहडा भएको अति नै आकर्षक जग्गा बिक्रीमा छ l
बिरगंज कृषि गयान केन्द्र रानीघाटको पछाडि स्थित अति नै आकर्षक घर बनाउने योग्ग्य ८ धुर जग्गा बिक्रीमा छ l
बिरगंज कृषि औजारको ठिक पछाडि रहेको अति नै आकर्षक घर बनाउने योग्ग्य १० धुर जग्गा बिक्रीमा छ l

Biswanath Sah
Biswanath Sah has fourteen years of experience in real estate, with excellent customer service. He is known for his commitment to customers, understanding, and care.
Biswanath Sah is ranked among the best brokers in Birgunj and with more than $43M in sales in 2020.
Biswanath Sah is ranked among the best brokers in Birgunj and with more than $43M in sales in 2020.
Industry Leaders
Amazing Team
In past, We've dealt with many realtors both on the buying and selling side. I have to say that Mr.Biswanath Sah is by far the best realtor we've ever worked with. His professionalism, attention to details, responsiveness and his ability to close the deal is outstanding!
Sanjay Saraf
Real estate investor -